Download apache lucene
Download apache lucene


  • Fix for class-cast issues during atomic-update 'removeregex' operations.
  • JMX MBeans are not exposed because of race condition between creating platform mbean server and registering mbeans.
  • Fixed distributed grouping when multiple 'fl' params are specified.

  • Fixed JWTAuthPlugin to update metrics prior to continuing w/other filters or returning error.
  • Fixed a race condition when initializing metrics for new security plugins on security.json change.
  • Fix for CDCR bootstrap not replicating index to the replicas of target cluster.
  • Introducing in SolrJ.

    SSL: Adding Enabling/Disabling client's hostname verification config.Add Prometheus Exporter GC and Heap options.Max idle time support for SolrCache implementations.Optimized large managed schema modifications (internal O(n^2) problem).Allow optional redaction of data saved by 'bin/solr autoscaling -save'.Fix for SPLITSHARD (async) with failures in underlying sub-operations can result in data loss.Live SPLITSHARD can lose updates due to cluster state change between checking if the current shard is active and later checking if there are any sub-shard leaders to forward the update to.Add CaffeineCache, an efficient implementation of SolrCache.Add CsvStream, TsvStream Streaming Expressions and supporting Stream Evaluators.Add upper, lower, trim and split Stream Evaluators.

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  • New cat() stream source to create tuples from lines in local files.
  • Support integral plots, cosine distance and string truncation with math expressions (Joel Bernstein).
  • JSON faceting now supports arbitrary ranges for range facets.
  • JWTAuthPlugin supports multiple JWKS endpoints and multiple IdP issuers.
  • Ability to query aliases in Solr Admin UI.
  • Support deterministic replica routing preferences for better cache usage.
  • Command line option to export documents to a file.
  • QueryElevationComponent can have query rules configured with match="subset" wherein the words need only match a subset of the query's words and in any order.
  • SPLITSHARD implements a new splitByPrefix option that takes into account the actual document distribution when using compositeIds.
  • Two dimensional routed aliases are now available for organizing collections based on the data values of two fields.
  • Highlights of this Solr release include: ¶
  • MoreLikeThis is biased for uncommon fields.
  • The Korean analyzer now splits tokens on boundaries between digits and alphabetic characters.
  • Use exact distance between point and bounding rectangle in FloatPointNearestNeighbor.
  • Tessellator labels the edges of the generated triangles whether they belong to the original polygon.
  • Use a sort key instead of true distance in NearestNeighbor.
  • Introduced SpanPositionRange into XML Query Parser.
  • GraphTokenStreamFiniteStrings preserves all Token attributes through its finite strings TokenStreams.
  • Show SPI names instead of class names in Luke Analysis tab.
  • Large perf gain for ID/time like data when populated sequentially
  • Blocktree's seekExact now short-circuits false if the term isn't in the min-max range of the segment.
  • Introduce shared count based early termination across multiple slices.
  • Improve performance of WITHIN and DISJOINT queries for Shape queries by doing just one pass whenever possible.
  • Add additional leaf node level optimizations in LatLonShapeBoundingBoxQuery.
  • spatial-extras quad and packed quad prefix trees now index points faster.

  • Matches on wildcard queries will defer building their full disjunction until a MatchesIterator is pulled.
  • BooleanQuery with no scoring clause can now early terminate the query when the total hits is not requested.
  • DisjunctionMaxQuery more efficiently leverages impacts to skip non-competitive hits.
  • New STUniformSplitPostingsFormat (name "SharedTermsUniformSplit") that shares a single internal term dictionary across fields.
  • download apache lucene download apache lucene

  • New UniformSplitPostingsFormat (name "UniformSplit") primarily benefiting in simplicity and extensibility.
  • LatLonDocValuesPointInPolygonQuery for LatLonDocValuesField.
  • Range Query For Multiple Connected Ranges.
  • Composite Matches from multiple subqueries now allow access to their submatches, and a new NamedMatches API allows marking of subqueries and a simple way to find which subqueries have matched on a given document.
  • New "export all terms and doc freqs" feature to Luke with delimiters.
  • The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache® Lucene™ 8.3.0 and Apache® Solr™ 8.3.0.Īnd Solr can be downloaded from Highlights of this Lucene release include: ¶ Lucene TM Project News ¶ 2 November 2019, Apache Lucene 8.3.0 and Apache Solr 8.3.0 available ¶

    Download apache lucene